Tuesday 25 October 2011

Chili Manliness Part 2

So on to the proper sized Bhut!  Before getting into the eating we should appreciate the beauty of the chili, it started off all green but during the past week has slowly become a magnificent shade of traffic light.  I'd say if you're going to get packs of these chilies from Tescos for anything it should be to scatter around your home as art(similar to what you could do with cocktail sausages), turns out eating them still isn't that exciting.

A brief diary of the usage of the pretty large, almost tree sized!, chili above:
  • 1/3 used in a salmon stir fry, 1 finger chili chopped up raw on top with coriander.  This was reasonably hot.
  • 1/4 used on a pizza, this was just above mild.
  • 1/4 was chewed raw by me  (the after shot of my bite is shown below) to see if it was worthy, I got pretty intense striking pain on my lips and tongue for a minute or so and I considered the end, but this came and went quickly enough to remember that the pain Western Balti chilies give my stomach is much worse in the medium and long term.
  • 1/3 used in a beef curry today, medium heat in the mouth afterwards, but again this was mostly from other sources of pain - a finger chili used in a relish and the Tescos spicy poppadoms were both worse.
All in all a more promising but ultimately over hyped specimen.  As I think I said before, the next one will ruin me, at least then my 90p will have been spent on a good chili and not just on developing the phrase "the hottest" that was used on the packet (6 chili symbols! crazy considering it's usually out of 5).  I will also add scotch bonnets from Tescos (I'm afraid I don't use other supermarkets) were just as hot as this and provided a much more distinct and interesting flavour.

Brief World Series news, St Louis are now trailing 3-2 in the series in spite of winning game 3 with 16 runs :(  Pujols may only have 1 game left which would I guess make me uninterested in baseball for a while again.  Next game is Wednesday night and I won't be watching it as I'll be asleep.

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