Saturday 5 May 2012

We're Through - FA Cup and Liverpool

So I'm attempting to type this on my phone as my new internet isn't activated yet and won't be for an increasing amount of days every day :'(  it won't be a long read.

The title is a little misleading but as ever in an egomaniacal lifestyle that's the intention. The reference is to a handy phrase used in work to stop and forget arguments - which I am usually enjoying.

This evening is the FA cup final between Liverpool and Chelsea, and while excited I am also emotionally dead to it.  This season has been dire reminding me of a few years ago when liverpool's play drove me to basketball (although I don't recall if that season was bad and may have been the year they got to the champions league final and lost). 

I'm confident recent results won't effect this match at all, based on how much more awful Liverpool have become since they won the league cup earlier in the year.  A quick word to Chelsea, drogber seemed nice on graham Norton last night but hopefully he's sad tonight.

So all in all I hope Liverpool win tonight but even if they do I'm still saying we're through for this year.  Luckily that doesn't mean its over for ever just that this year is written off and forgotten and a fresh start will hopefully be coming soon.

There we go, a sports post for the first time in ages.  Also finale of homeland tomorrow and I'm going to miss it and with no internet what the bell am I going to do?

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