Friday 27 May 2011

TV Just Reminded Me - Wind farms in Mid Wales

It took me a while to dislike wind farms having learnt in my degree that they're pretty OK (except for the awkward maths) and because my Dad always complained about them and I liked to disagree.

This all changed when I read on some website with potentially no credibility that new wind turbines to be built in Mid Wales would require a valley with a waterfall I really like (and want to kayak one day but never will), Cwm Einion, to be dug up so that supports could be put in for the sweet new extra tall turbines. A load are also planned to be built in Montgomeryshire, Powys, ruining the countryside around this scenic area of Wales and I have heard larger roads will be needed to get the lorries up to the sites.  Wind farms don't even produce reliable power, a backup fossil fuel plant is always required for when there is no wind at peak times and I've often found the weather around Llanidloes/Newtown to be quite stable and I've never heard of our chickens blowing away in all the wind.

I'm not sure if I'm possibly saying we should get some awesome huge coal power plants instead but I mainly don't want a part of the country with relatively few residents being bullied into losing it's countryside because people far away decided their valleys were windy some times of the year.  Considering the pride about the grandness of  it's outdoors Wales isn't a big enough country to be able to hide the damage done to it's countryside when it spreads from one side to the other.

Please get signing the petition found in the links below:

Say No to Tan 8 - Windfarms & High Voltage Power Lines Spoiling our Community

Petition (English)
Petition (Welsh)

Maybe solar power is the answer?

Thursday 26 May 2011

Avoiding Football on Saturday

Two years later and I have to do it again. In May 2008 I had to watch the Wolverine X-Men film so that I couldn't hear the cheers in the pub next to my old house. Back then I did manage to get through the evening without incident. At least until I foolishly went into my bedroom where an open window nearly compromised my entire media blackout. I heard what sounded like a cheer... My heart sank quite a bit, thankfully when I did an urgent check online I found that the cheer was either in my favour or was the blissful groan of people who'd made a morally ambiguous team choice earlier in life.

So with this years Champions League final featuring my old friend Manchester United will probably cause me a fair bit of unhappiness. Especially if Robby sends me a "banterrific" text.

That's basically all I have in my head on this issue other than I hope they lose.