Saturday 30 June 2012

Gin and Juice Do' Saturday

As we all know, the "sport" section of this blog is pretty limited, if it's not about basketball it's meaningless guess work and if it is about basketball it's more meaningful guess work.  The NBA Draft was on Thursday and as little happened of excitement it now means that the Internet is boring until November and there will be pretty much nothing for me to write about, especially as I need the actual sports journalists to comment on things first before I can get the rehashing on.  I could do some kayaking but that is unpleasant and is well covered by Stuff the Consequences.

So what's the point of all this?  Well tonight is Gin and Juice Do' Saturday, again little point to this post except that I ate steak in preparation.  It was nice as well but that goes without saying, nothing bad has happened in this kitchen since last week when my wild mushroom omelette was the worst food ever.

The no carbs wasn't on purpose but my gnochi were past fresh.  All cooked and eaten while topless, but to compensate I was wearing pants and trousers (no socks).

 Oh look it's gin and juice